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发布日期:2015-07-13 作者: 来源: 点击:









钱增强,男,博士,讲师。1999-2003年,在西北大学星空体育攻读本科,获生物科学专业学士学位;2003-2006年,免试留校攻读硕士星空体育研究生,获生态学专业硕士学位;2007-2011年,在澳大利亚政府奋进奖学金(Endeavour Postgraduate Award)资助下,前往詹姆斯库克大学(James Cook University)攻读博士学位,获热带生态学及动物学专业博士学位。2012年8月份,进入星空体育星空体育官方网站星空体育开展教学及科研工作。


1. 动、植物分子生态学和进化生物学;

2. 昆虫社会生物学;

3. 气候变化生物学。


1. Qian, Z.-Q.*, Schlick-Steiner, B.C., Steiner, F.M., Robson, S.K.A., Schlüns, H., Schlüns, E.A. and Crozier, R.H. (2012) Colony genetic structure in the Australian jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula. Insectes Sociaux, 59, 109-117.

2. Qian, Z.-Q.*, Schlüns, H., Schlick-Steiner, B.C., Steiner, F.M., Robson, S.K.A., Schlüns, E.A. and Crozier, R.H. (2011) Intraspecific support for the polygyny-vs.-polyandry hypothesis in the bulldog ant Myrmecia brevinoda. Molecular Ecology, 20, 3681-3691.

3. Qian, Z.-Q.*, Ceccarelli, F.S., Carew, M.E., Schlüns, H., Schlick-Steiner, B.C. and Steiner, F.M. (2011) Characterization of polymorphic microsatellites in the giant bulldog ant, Myrmecia brevinoda and the jumper ant, M. pilosula. Journal of Insect Science, 11, 71.

4. Zhou, T.-H., Li, S., Qian, Z.-Q., Su, H.-L., Huang, Z.-H., Guo, Z.-G., Dai, P.-F., Liu, Z.-L. and Zhao, G.-F. (2010) Strong phylogeographic pattern of cpDNA variation reveals multiple glacial refugia for Saruma henryi Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae), an endangered herb endemic to China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 57, 176-188.

5. Zhou, T.-H., Qian, Z.-Q., Li, S., Guo, Z.-G., Huang, Z.-H., Liu, Z.-L. and Zhao, G.-F. (2010) Genetic diversity of the endangered Chinese endemic herb Saruma henryi Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae) and its implications for conservation. Population Ecology, 52, 223-231.

6. Qian, Z.-Q., Crozier, Y.C., Schlick-Steiner, B.C., Steiner, F.M. and Crozier, R.H. (2009) Characterization of expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived microsatellite loci in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Conservation Genetics, 10, 1373-1376.

7. Jiang, L.-Y., Qian, Z.-Q., Guo, Z.-G., Wang, C. and Zhao, G.-F. (2009) Polyploid origins in Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Cucurbitaceae) inferred from multiple gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 52, 183-191.

8. Zhou, T.-H., Zhao, G.-F., Li, S. and Qian, Z.-Q. (2009) Characterization of EST-derived microsatellite loci in Saruma henryi Oliv., an endangered Chinese endemic herb. Conservation Genetics Resources, 1, 67-70.

9. Dong, S.-S., Huang, X., Qian, Z.-Q., Zhou, T.-H., Li, S. and Zhao, G.-F. (2009) Isolation and characterization of fourteen dinucleotide microsatellite loci in the endangered herb Saruma henryi Oliv. (Aristolochiaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 1, 221-224.

10. Li, M.-M., Cai, Y.-L., Qian, Z.-Q. and Zhao, G.-F. (2009) Genetic diversity and differentiation in Chinese sour cherry Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl., and its implications for conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 56, 455-464.

11. Qian, Z.-Q., Xu, L., Wang, Y.-L., Yang, J. and Zhao, G.-F. (2008) Ecological genetics of Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. population in the oasis-desert ecotone in Fukang, Xinjiang, and its implications for molecular evolution. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36, 593-601.

12. Wang, C., Zhang, H., Qian, Z.-Q. and Zhao, G.-F. (2008) Genetic differentiation in endangered Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino based on ISSR polymorphism and its implications for conservation. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 36, 699-705.

13. Wang, Y.-L., Sun, G.-L., Li, S.-F., Qian, Z.-Q. and Zhao, G.-F. (2008) Population structure and genetic diversity of Clintonia udensis Trautv. et Mey. (Liliaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 169, 1238-1247.

14. Yang, J., Qian, Z.-Q., Liu, Z.-L., Li, S., Sun, G.-L. and Zhao, G.-F. (2007) Genetic diversity and geographical differentiation of Dipteronia Oliv. (Aceraceae) endemic to China as revealed by AFLP analysis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35, 593-599.

15. Yu, X.-M., Zhou, Q., Qian, Z.-Q., Li, S. and Zhao, G.-F. (2006) Analysis of genetic diversity and population differentiation of Larix potaninii var. chinensis using microsatellite DNA. Biochemical Genetics, 44, 483-493.

16. Zhu, X.-J., Qian, Z.-Q., Wang, X.-L. and Yue, M. (2006) Changes of anti-oxidative enzymes in Vicia faba L. seedlings irradiated by He-Ne laser in different stages. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 15, 551-556. (In Chinese with English abstract)

17.Qian, Z.-Q., Li, S., Zhu, X.-J., Wang, L. and Zhao, G.-F. (2006) A preliminary study of genetic polymorphisms of Haloxylon ammodendron isozymes. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 25, 2436-2442. (In Chinese with English abstract)

18. Li, S., Qian, Z., Cai, Y. and Zhao, G. (2006) A comparison of the genetic diversity in Dipteronia sinensis Oliv. and Dipteronia dyeriana Henry. Frontiers of Biology in China, 1, 381-388.

19. Cai, Y., Li, S., Cao, D., Qian, Z., Zhao, G. and Han, M. (2006) Use of amplified DNA sequences for the genetic analysis of the cherry germplasm. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 33, 249-254. (In Chinese with English abstract)

20. Cai, Y.-L., Cao, D.-W., Li, S., Qian, Z.-Q. and Zhao, G.-F. (2006) RAPD analysis of Prunus avium L. varieties and their rootstocks. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 26, 1125-1132. (In Chinese with English abstract)

21. Li, S., Cai, Y.-L., Qian, Z.-Q. and Zhao, G.-F. (2004) Researches on the relationship between the morphological and genetic variations of Dipteronia dyeriana Henry (Aceraceae). Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24, 925-931. (In Chinese with English abstract)